Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tire of Looking

I am so tire now, looking for a girl that I love. :(


I don't know why, but I am still mad at my mom.

I started being angry at her because she would not allow me to start my business. She wanted me to get marry instead.

Well, first of all, I would need a girl to marry to, which I do not at this time. What makes me angry is that she thinks that I am not looking, that I am just going and hanging out and doing stuff with my friends, and not focusing on it.

I am looking for a nice girl, however, just have not found her yet. But in the mean time, it is a topic that is creating tension between my mom and I.

Furthermore, she does not have the same idea as I am. I want to work on my financial situation, however, she does not see that. She would like me to start my family, which I believe it is very important, however, I do not have a girl right now; so I believe that in the mean time, I should focus on my financial life.

I am really angry that she would not allow me to make some financial decisions. Basically what this does was make me come to the conclusion that when it comes to finance, I will have to do it by myself. So that was what I did. And then it lead to my thinking that I can make any decisions myself without consulting her.

This basically created this sort of double life for the both of us.

I don't like this at all. It makes me angry at her and maybe now at me too.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

To Do

I want to live in the Southern Hemisphere for a year, just for the experience.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Today, I get the marriage talk again.

My mom just really really wants me to get marry. I can understand her feelings. She is a HMONG mother, and on top of that she is just worry about me.

However, a big part of me believes that she wants me to get marry simply because of social norms. I hope that is not the case.

I just don't feel ready right now. I guess in a way, and in comparison to some of my friends, I should be ready to get marry, but I just do not feel ready. Its not like I am not keeping my eyes out I am, but I just need to be more financially solid first.

Oh well, can't do anything about it now. Need to seriously work my financial goals now.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Feeling Down

I was feeling good when I decided to train for a 5k run. However, after our first practice run at lake Mira Mar, I felt a sharp pain on my left foot.

At first I thought it was a minor muscle problem. However, here I am two weeks later and it still hurts.

Now I am feeling down. I felt like I have failed and now is failing at other aspects of my life too. I think I will clean my room tomorrow for sure, and make myself a gym schedule again.

Tomorrow is a new day, I will take it.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Health Care Summit

I actually spent 7 hours yesterday watching the Health Care Summit.

The media said that it did not make a difference, however, I believed that it did. I understood the health care bill better after the summit.

I believe that with the complexity of the health care system, most people just do not understand the health care bill; and then adding the Republican's scare tactics makes it even more confusing.

But by having the summit, I was able to better understand the concerns of both parties.

Wish it can be shorter though.